Privacy Policy

Amalgam Homes

We collect your registration data for:

  • Completion of the check-in procedure: Our legal basis is that processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with you.
  • Completion of the registration procedure: Identification data is necessary to comply with our legal obligations.
  • Serving your stay: Our legal basis is our legitimate interest. If you wish to record your allergies/preferences information, we will proceed with relevant processing if you provide us with your consent.
  • Facilitating administration: Our legal basis is our legitimate interest.
  • Facilitating payment procedure: Payment information is necessary to issue your invoice and comply with fiscal obligations.
  • Ensuring the security of our financial transactions: Our legal basis is our legitimate interest.
  • Improving our services to offer you memorable stays: Our legal basis is our legitimate interest.
  • Offering you personalized services (regarding preferences, etc.): Our legal basis is your prior consent, if provided.
  • Promoting our special offers and goods, services, or forthcoming events or promotions which may interest you: Our legal basis is your prior consent, if provided.
  • For communication with you, in the context of providing you useful information about our premises and services, as well as to meet any of your needs and requests: Our legal basis is the fulfillment of our contract and our legitimate interest.

A.5. Personal Data when you visit our Spa Facilities

When you visit our Spa/Wellness facilities, we collect personal information which is necessary for the provision of our services:

  • During your registration, we collect your name, surname, email address, signature, and room number.
  • If you wish to enjoy our Spa treatments, you need to provide us with all the above-mentioned data and necessary health information through the completion of the treatment questionnaire (such as medication, allergies, possible pregnancies, etc.), as included in our Consultation Form.

A.5.1. Purposes of processing – legal basis

  • Completion of the registration procedure: Identification data is necessary for our legitimate interest to keep our guests and premises safe.
  • The provision of our services.
  • The completion of a transaction and invoicing: Our legal basis is that processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with you.

A.7. Personal Data collected for Security reasons

Security Reports/Forms

Reports or forms including personal data are prepared by our Security department and completed and signed by you for security reasons (i.e., incident reports, object lost reports, open safe list reports, forms concerning finding an object, or authorizing you to open a safe box, etc.). Such reports or forms may include personal information, such as name, surname, room number, signature, and passport or ID number, and will be recorded only for security purposes.

Accident form

In case of an accident on our premises, you will be requested to provide information such as your name, surname, date of birth, room number, duration of stay, as well as additional information about the accident, such as the location of the incident, date and time of the incident, its nature, and any further relevant details.

A.7.1. Purposes of processing – legal basis

  • The creation of security reports or forms: Our legal basis is the legitimate interest to protect the safety of our guests, employees, and premises.
  • To assess and investigate an accident/incident according to relevant internal procedures, for the proper handling of any legal issues arising onwards.
  • Transferring data to our insurance company: Our legal basis is your explicit consent, if provided.
  • Handling of the incident: Our legal basis is that processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims or whenever courts are acting in their judicial capacity.

B. Data collected through our website or online platforms

B.1. Personal Data Collected via your registration to our Newsletter

When you register for receiving our newsletter, we collect and store your email address and if you wish you can submit your name, surname, and country.

B.1.1. Purposes of processing – legal basis

  • Communication with you and sending you newsletters about our services, products, and offers: We will proceed with relevant processing if you provide us with your consent.

B.2. Personal Data Collected through “Inquiryˮ form

When you reach us through our dedicated “Inquiryˮ form via our website, we collect your email address, name, surname, and telephone, as well as any information that you include in your message to us.

B.2.1. Purposes of processing – legal basis

  • We collect and process the information you provide through the communication form with the sole purpose of serving and contacting you to satisfy your request, respond to your question, etc. The legal basis of processing is our legitimate interest to improve our services and satisfy any requests submitted to us [GDPR art. 6 (1f)].

B.4. Online Technologies

On the Amalgam Homes website, we may use cookies, invisible pixels, and web beacons to obtain information about you while visiting our websites. For more information on our use of cookies, please read our Websiteʼs Cookies Policy.

C.2.1. Purposes of processing – legal basis

  • Handle our contractual agreements: Our legal basis is the need to process your data in the context of our contractual obligation or during the pre-contractual stage.
  • Fulfill our legal obligations as employers: Our legal basis is the need to process your data in compliance with a legal obligation.
  • Use your photos to upload them to the website: We will proceed with relevant processing if you provide us with your consent.
  • Comply with our legal obligations, as necessary for the protection of the public interest in the area of public health.

D. Personal Data of our business partners

If you are cooperating with us, we may process only the necessary data to fulfill our contractual agreement and serve our business relationship. We shall only collect Company’s data and/or Company’s contact persons’ data which are not considered as personal data or information. We may use the email address that you voluntarily provide us to inform your company about our business news as part of our cooperation. However, you can always choose to unsubscribe from this business communication by clicking the unsubscribe button which is available in our communications.

D.1.1. Purposes of processing – legal basis

  • We may collect and process personal data of our business partners for the performance of our contractual agreements, compliance with our legal obligations, and protection of our legitimate interests (for more information, please read carefully our Terms and Conditions). We may use data you provide us as our business partners for:
  • Serving our business relationship: These data do not constitute personal data; in any case, if personal data are being processed. Our legal basis is our legitimate interest.
  • Informing you and your company about our business news in the context of our cooperation: Our legal basis is our legitimate interest.

Minors Data

We do not seek or obtain personal data directly from minors (i.e., under the age of 18); instead, we endeavor to collect such data from their legal guardian and when necessary, obtain relevant consent. However, as it is impossible to always determine the age of persons who access and use our websites, we encourage parents or guardians to contact us if they notice any case of unauthorized data provision by minors in order to exercise accordingly their rights, such as the deletion of their data.

Transfer of Personal Data

The personal information you provide us is kept secure and safeguarded. We may share your information within our group – companies and public services for the above-described purposes.

Furthermore, we may disclose your personal data to third parties (legal entities or individuals) that process your personal data under our written order and clarifications (Data Processors). We always guarantee that these third parties implement the same measures for the protection of your personal data and act only under our written orders with respect to your personal data.

More specifically, in the context of the pursuance of the processing purposes, personal data may be transferred to:

  • Third companies which provide us with relevant services (e.g., hosting services, finance, legal or technical support, payroll, etc.). In any case, all these companies are contractually bound with us in order to ensure the observance of confidentiality, as well as a commitment to the data protection legislation.
  • Public authorities (Police, prosecuting authorities, tax authorities, etc.) in the context of the issuance of fines, or upon relevant request.

When information is transferred as afore-mentioned, we limit the extent of information that is disclosed to the strictly necessary for the performance of the specific purpose. In addition, given that some of our activities are processed by third parties, we endeavor to ensure by contractual assurances that personal data processing is secure and fully compatible with this privacy policy.

When the transfer of data concerns a country outside the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA), we always check whether:

  • The Commission has issued an adequacy decision on the third country to which the transfer is addressed.
  • Appropriate safeguards are in place in accordance with the Regulation for the transfer of such data.

In any other case, the transfer to a third country is not allowed and we may not transfer personal data unless any of the specific derogations provided for in the Regulation apply (e.g., explicit consent of the data subject, upon informing him/her on the risks of the transfer, the transfer is necessary for the performance of a contract at the request of the subject, there are reasons of public interest, it is necessary to support legal claims and the vital interests of the subject, etc.).

Third-Party Websitesʼ Disclaimer

We may provide hyperlinks to third-party websites as a convenience to our users; Amalgam Homes does not control third-party websites and is not responsible for the content of any linked-to third-party websites or any hyperlink in a linked-to website. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of third-party websites.

Your Rights

At Amalgam Homes, we endeavor to protect and respect your rights, as set forth by the General Data Protection Regulation, including more specifically:

  • (i) your right to be informed on the processing of your personal information (i.e., right of access) and to request and obtain further information on the processing applied;
  • (ii) your right to request correction of inaccurate personal data;
  • (iii) your right to request the deletion of personal information provided, unless prohibited by legitimate reasons;
  • (iv) your right to request the limitation of processing;
  • (v) your right to request the portability of your personal information; and
  • (vi) your right to objection/opposition to further processing thereof.

In these cases, Amalgam Homes will respond in writing within 30 days upon receipt and identification of the request.

In addition, in the event of exercising one or more of the above-mentioned rights of correction, deletion, and restriction of your data, these requests shall also be forwarded to any third-party recipient to whom the personal information may have been disclosed in the scope of the pursuance of the aforementioned processing purposes.

Data Protection Officer

To ensure that your personal information is efficiently protected, Amalgam Homes has appointed a Data Protection Officer to whom data subjects may address their requests and questions in relation to this privacy policy, as follows:

Amalgam Homes,
844 00 Kostos, Paros, Greece
+30 21 0674 2743

In case you consider that we have not properly responded to your request, you can always contact the relevant Greek Data Protection Authority (

Information Security

Although no method of transmission over the Internet or method of electronic storage is 100 percent secure, at Amalgam Homes, we have taken all commercially reasonable measures and precautions to maintain your data accuracy and ensure the appropriate use of information we collect about you, as well as to secure and protect your personal information from unauthorized access, while you enjoy products and services we provide you during your physical presence in our premises or your digital visits in our online environment, respectively.

Retention Period of Personal Data

Your personal data is retained for a predetermined and limited period depending on the purpose of processing, after the end of which, these personal data are deleted from our files unless another retention period is required or permitted by applicable law.

Updates to the Privacy Policy

Amalgam Homes may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time to meet changes in the regulatory environment, business needs, or to satisfy the needs of our guests, properties, strategic marketing partners, and service providers. Updated versions will be uploaded to our website and date stamped so that you are always aware of when our Privacy Policy was last updated.